The main objectives of LivestockSense are to improve the economic and environmental viability of livestock farms through the application of advanced information and communication technologies, and to identify/remove social barriers for technology adoption to achieve a wider use of ICT on farms. The project is being implemented in collaboration with 7 European and 1 Middle Eastern partner and involving commercial pig and/or poultry farms in each partner country. The selected farms will be supplied with sensors and special cameras, which are able to monitor the environmental condition of livestock buildings and the bodyweight of the animals and thus provide continuous and real-time measurement data to the management of the farm. The researchers in the project will assess how the information by the new technology can be utilized in the everyday life of the farms. Furthermore, learning databases and AI-based models will be developed and integrated into a decision support tool, which allows pig and poultry keepers to quantify their individual economic and environmental benefits if using PLF technologies.
AKI will play a role in 1) designing and carrying out social research, based on mixed social science methods, to identify the limitations of PLF technology application; 2) in the development of the project portal, which, in addition to the dissemination of project information, will supply an open-source, data-driven, web-based application and freely available API to measure the environmental performance of individual livestock farms and to support green financing efforts.

Enhancing environmental sustainability of livestock farms by removing barriers for adopting ICT technologies
Project acronym
Project ID
1 June 2021 to 31 May 31. 2023