The main objective of FARMWELL is to ensure that individual farmers, farming families and communities benefit fully from social innovation research and practices, which will result in strengthening farmers’ wellbeing and linkages between the farming sector and the wider society. This main objective is broken down into four more operational (specific) objectives that connect the overall objective to the implementation and delivery dimensions of FARMWELL as follows: Facilitating multi-actor exchange and networking at both national and European level on the specific social challenges facing farmers and farming families and related social innovation solutions, resulting in participative learning and an increased flow of practical information and ideas. Providing a synthesis of research and practice on social challenges of farmers and farming families and social innovations as possible responses to these, reflecting a wide range of geographical, sectoral and farm contexts. Presenting and making accessible social innovation research and practices for farmers with a view to the specific needs of farmers and farming families (in both terms of content and channels); and in a way that ensures better uptake of practices and ultimately improves farm viability and strengthens connections with society. Ensuring the long-term sustainability of results through effective exploitation and dissemination, improving advisory service support effectively reaching farmers and farming families; as well as through contributing to a supportive policy environment.

Social innovation for a better life on the farm
Project acronym
Project ID
Grant Agreement (GA) N°101000797
1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023