The EU-FarmBook will provide an EU-wide digital open access platform that connects research and practice to ensure that the practice-ready knowledge and innovative solutions generated by EU-funded projects are more readily available and easily accessible to farmers, foresters, advisors and other potential users.
This project builds on the two previous projects (EURAKNOS and EUREKA) and further strengthen this effort by continuing to construct and refine a fully functional user-friendly digital knowledge reservoir that is effectively integrated thorough networking and cooperation activities with all key actors in EU and national level AKISs, including the newly established post-2020 national AKIS Coordination Bodies, national CAP Networks and EU-level EIP-AGRI Support Facility.

Supporting knowledge exchange between all AKIS actors in the European Union
Project acronym
Project ID
Grant Agreement (GA) N° 101060382
1 August 2022 to 31 July 2029