The main objective of AdvisoryNetPEST is to establish and upgrade a network of advisory services across the EU, increasing the knowledge sharing between advisors and among the whole Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS), and the adoption of innovative solutions to reduce the use and risks of pesticides (RURP) by farmers in order to achieve the objectives of the Farm to Fork strategy.
Therefore the project will identify, select, and shape Novel Approaches (NAs) on the reduction of use and risks of pesticides, which are technically, economically, socially, and environmentally viable, that will be adapted and replicated across the EU; will develop an EU network of advisors to RURP, based on existing networks and national AKISs. Moreover it will exchange knowledge and train advisors and students to promote the adoption of the NAs through training, field trips and workshops in order to foster the adoption of innovative solutions by farmers and the whole value chain.
AKI, as work package leader will map related projects and initiatives, organise EU-wide workshops and other collaborative activities, as well as convene and coordinate national AKIS workshops. As a National Network Lead (NNL) in the project, AKI is responsible for the development and ongoing coordination of a network of advisors at national level, identifying and evaluating Novel Approaches (NAs), and training and informing advisors to prepare them to advise on reducing the use and risks of pesticides.

EU ADVISORY NETworks to reduce the use and risks of PESTicides.
Project acronym
Project ID
Grant agreement ID: 101134122
1 January 2024 to 31 December 2028