The EU-FarmBook is organising several training sessions to support contributors in uploading practice-oriented materials and in integrating or connecting project platforms or EU, regional, national, or sector-level online knowledge reservoirs with the EU-FarmBook Platform.
Online Training Session 1 : Uploading Practice-Oriented Materials for Dummies
- What: Working towards the transformation of project results into practice-oriented materials and Uploading these materials step-by-step, via the online upload form
- Target Audience: People who are/will be responsible for uploading practice-oriented materials, communication of their project
Online Training Session 2: API Integration – Integrating Horizon Project Platforms with the EU-FarmBook Platform
- What: Establishing conditions for interoperability with existing and new project platforms and learning from the EU-FarmBook case studies of API integrations
- Target Audience: People with knowledge about the meta-data of their database, IT-infrastructure to set-up or maintain a knowledge reservoir and IT-strategy
Online Training Session 3: API Connection – Connecting EU, Regional, National, or Sector-Level Online Knowledge Reservoirs with the EU-FarmBook Platform
- What: Establishing conditions for interoperability with under-development, new and existing regional, national, and sector-level online knowledge reservoirs and learning from the EU-FarmBook case studies of API connections
- Target Audience: People with knowledge about the meta-data of their database, IT infrastructure to set-up or maintain a knowledge reservoir and IT-strategy
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