Florence hosted the kick-off meeting of the EU FarmBook project, held on October 19-21, 2022, where after the previously held online kick-off, the project participants could also meet physically and the seven-year project belonging to the Horizon Europe framework program with a total budget of around 15 million euros was officially launched. AKI was represented by the institute’s project manager Dr. Szabolcs Vágó.
The EU FarmBook provides an EU-wide, open-access knowledge-sharing platform that connects research and practice to make practical knowledge and innovative solutions created in EU agricultural research and innovation projects more readily available and easily accessible to farmers, for foresters, consultants and other potential users. The EU FarmBook platform can be one of the main tools of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) in the future, thus the project is closely related to the modernAKIS projects aimed at modernizing AKIS and the Attractiss projects that develop innovation support systems, as well as the related activities of national AKIS innovation and digitalization support unit operated by AKI.
The Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI) was already a partner in the two previous projects, in EURAKNOS, where we primarily contributed to the implementation of the project with IT development, and in EUREKA, where, as a work package leader, we carried out an assessment of user needs and habits. In the EU FarmBook project, AKI’s most important task is to play the role of Ambassador in Hungary and the neighbouring countries.