The final consortium meeting of the LivestockSense (Enhancing environmental sustainability of livestock farms by removing barriers for adopting ICT technologies) project was held in Jerusalem on 3-4 April 2023, hosted by MIGAL, Galilee Research Institute. The AKI was represented by Dr. Ildikó Edit Tikász, LivestockSense Technical Project Manager, Szilveszter Palotay, Deputy Director of Operations and Dr. Szabolcs Vágó, Director’s Advisor.
The main objectives of the project, which was implemented in cooperation with seven European and one Middle Eastern partner, were to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of livestock production through the use of advanced information and communication technology (ICT) tools, and to identify and address the social barriers to the uptake of new technologies in pig and poultry production. Through quantitative and qualitative studies using social science methods, the researchers have successfully identified barriers to the use of ICTs and formulated a number of recommendations to overcome them.
In the final phase of the project, the partners are developing a decision-support web application to help farmers determine the digital maturity of their farms and provide advice on how to improve. The app will also provide a way to quantify the environmental and economic benefits that can be realised through the use of ICTs.